Rabbi, Cantor or a student looking for an internship

Location: Stroudsburg, PA 18360

The Rabbi will Officiate and lead Kabbalat Shabbat, Saturday morning Shabbat Services, High Holiday services. Read from the Torah and Haftarah as required, Lead prayers, and deliver drasha/d’var Torah as required and appropriate. Teach Hebrew School. Prepare candidates for Bar/Bat Mitzvah and officiate at Bar and Bat Mitzvot. Officiate at weddings, funerals, unveilings, life-cycle events. Counsel members of the congregation with respect to religious, spiritual, and family matters. Rabbi shall visit the sick and homebound. Rabbi shall be active to retain current members and increase the membership. Rabbi is encouraged to participate in civic, cultural, and public events.

We would also consider a student Rabbi/Cantor or someone looking for an internship.